Ethanol is the fastest growing corn market.


The IL Corn Growers Association tackles legislative barriers to a growing ethanol market, like moving the E10 tax savings to E15 in Illinois to give consumers an additional financial incentive to fuel up with E15. Additionally, ICGA is working diligently for the passage of Next Generation Fuels Ac, which would allow ethanol to be an important part of a new fuel standard, and for expanded ethanol trade.


The IL Corn Marketing Board is updating ethanol infrastructure so that when the legislative barriers are removed, we’re ready to fuel up Illinois!  ICMB also promotes your fuel through programs with local retailers.


find e15 or e85 gas stations in Illinois

ethanol fact sheet

next generation fuels act



This Decision at the Pump Could Change Everything

Lindsay Mitchell

February 23rd, 2023  |  Today's News |  ICGA |  Ethanol |  Public Outreach

There has never been a better time to choose unleaded 88 unleaded 15, or E15 fuel at the pump.   Gas pumps aren’t unlike grocery stores, offering an abundance of choices – some of which you may...


Bipartisan push for decision on year-round E15

Haley Bickelhaupt

February 16th, 2023  |  Today's News |  ICGA |  Ethanol

Last week, United States Congressional members from Illinois supported corn farmers and the ethanol industry as they encouraged the Biden administration to approve the use of ethanol blends,...
